09/09/22 Sergio Gonzalez
1/26/2022 By: Evelyn Lugo
Winner Announcement!
1st Place - Ricky Ramirez
“ Be AWARE, wash the germs with CARE.
Don’t be dirty, be NEAT.
So, wash your hands before you EAT”
by: R.R.
2nd Place- Armando Pérez
“ Si te lavas las manos con frecuencia, No tendras consecuencias” by: A.P.
3rd Place - Vickie Swearingen
“ It takes the FS team to make it clean…. Hip, Hip.. Hooray.. All germs are washed AWAY” by: V.S.
1/6/2022 Slogan Competition
And the Winners are………….
1st Place: Ricky Ramirez
5/26/2021 By: Evelyn Lugo
Winner Announcement!
2nd Place: Vickie Swearingen
3rd Place: Paula Bain
¡Gracias por participar!
We will have more opportunities to win in the future.
So, stay tuned and keep sharing your safety messages with us.
You never know what new prices you might get.
Food Safety Slogan Contest.
By: Evelyn Lugo - start date 5/3/2021
Criteria: Originality, short catchy slogan, related to the topic, must use paper provided in 645 break room.
Criterial: Originalidad, frase corta y con rima, relacionada al tema, utilizar papel proveido en área de descanso 645.
Good Luck ! Buena Suerte!
4/15/2021 By: Evelyn Lugo
Winner Announcement!
And the Winners are………….
1st Place: Armando Pérez
2nd Place: Vickie Swearingen
3rd Place: Paula Bain
¡Gracias por participar!
We will have more opportunities to win in the future.
So, stay tuned and keep sharing your safety messages with us.
You never know what new prices you might get.
4/14/2021 Winner Announcement Coming Soon!
Safety Slogan Contest.
Start date: 3-29-2021 By: Evelyn Lugo
Good Luck ! Buena Suerte!
3/4/2021 Our judges’ decision was a particularly tough one, but there was one drawing/slogan that rose to the top.
And the Winner is………..
First Place winner goes to Corine Hernandez!
Corine’s message is: “Safety is not a matter of luck if we do not apply prevention in our way of working”.
“La seguridad no es cuestión de suerte si no se aplica la prevención en nuestra forma de trabajar”.
Second Place Not too far behind was Martin Ortiz!
Martin’s message was: “Germs are everywhere so let’s use common sense, practice good food safety behaviors at work and at home for your safety and the safety of others”.
“Los gérmenes están en todas partes así que usemos el sentido común, practiquemos buenos comportamientos de seguridad alimentaria en el trabajo y en el hogar para su seguridad y la seguridad de los demás.
Third Place goes to Brian Banks!
Brian’s message represented potential accidents that could occur in a forklift. Brian’s message is “Caution - Carry it Low and Drive it Slow”.
“Precaución - Manténgalo bajo y conduzca despacio”.
Gracias por participar!
We will have more opportunities to win in the future.
So, stay tuned and keep sharing your safety messages with us.
You never know what new prices you might get.
By: Evelyn Lugo
3/3/2021 Contest Closed - Winner Coming Soon!
By: Evelyn Lugo
Contests deadline Extended
Don’t miss your chance